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Sgabello Professionale  |  SKU: MMF2

Mini Mira Fibra


Iva Esclusa

Stool with insulating dielectric fiberglass uprights and aluminum steps. With two climbing sections, it is equipped with an oversized platform to park comfortably and safely at maximum height. Equipped with anti-closing and opening steel safety rods. Each step is reinforced with galvanized steel bars. Ideal for professional use in the presence of cables, sockets or other sources of electricity.


Ergonomic oversized pads in non-slip PVC

● Double anti-accidental opening/closing system: galvanized steel bars and hinges

● 8 cm non-slip flat steps

● Step pitch 25 cm

● Increased platform 35x70 cm

● Heat shrink packaging

NB: According to the European Standard UNIEN131 it is not possible to stop on the last two steps unless in the presence of a 60cm Garda-body

In photo: MiniMira Fibra (3 GR)